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How to use Special Characters in Google Adwords

Use special characters to increase your ads visibility and CTR. Learn the most proficient special characters in Google Adwords, and how to get the maximum advantage from them:

Exclamation Mark (!)

Exclamation marks are useful to call attention and speed up conversion. Use them in your CTA to get the click! This is a nice complement to accelerators, such as "Last Units".

Last Units. Call Now.

Last Units. Call Now!

Plus Symbol (+)

Don't use the word "plus", but the plus symbol “+”. It saves space for other more relevant words, and transmits a positive sensation of accumulation.

More Information

+ info

Question Mark (?)

Do you want your customers to read your ad? Use question marks to present a problem, and then offer the solutions in the next line:

Muscle Pains

Muscle Pains?

Percentage (%)

Traditional advertising has taught to associate percentage symbols with offers (“20% discount”) or effectiveness stats (“100% satisfaction”).

99 per Cent of Our Students Get a Job

99% of Our Students Get a Jo

Ampersand (&)

Don't use “and” when you can use “&”. It's more attractive and professional.

Jhonson and Associates

Jhonson & Associates

Hyphen ( - )

This symbol allows increasing the ad size when little text is available, and avoiding commas that generate visual noise.

Last Units, Call Now

Last Units - Call Now

Euro (€) / Dollar ($)

If you have a good price, match it with a money symbol that evokes positive sensations. Never use the word "dollar" or "euro" when you can use the equivalent symbol.

90 euros

90 €

Numbers (1, 2, 3…)

The most common things is applying them to prices and discounts, but also in dates. Numbers open some space, and they call attention when some feeling is associated. Use any of these formulas depending on the feeling you want to transmit:

Modernity: "Course 2013-2014", "2014 Model"

Security: "30 Days of Guarantee", "10 Years of Experience", “Since 1980 Closing the Deal”

Urgency: "Until December 31", "Last 10 Units”


Spaces allow enlarging your call-to-action (CTA) and making it more attractive, along with other special characters. Besides, spaces make bigger ads, which is always effective for increasing CTR.

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