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How to Get Social Authority with Follower Wonk API

1. Visit, log in with your Twitter account and click on "Get Access Credentials":

2. Use this PHP code, and replace the words in bold letters: 1) access ID, 2) secret key, 3) Twitter account.

$uri = '';

$accessID = 'member-OTFjZTk0YzQtZTVmMC01NDJiLThjZjgtMjhlZTA4MjAzZGE1';

$secretKey = 'zhvfxoxxhkc9xiyobscugquskpvuffaf';

$time = time() + 500;

$signature = urlencode( base64_encode( hash_hmac( "sha1", "{$accessID}\n{$time}",

$secretKey, true ) ) );

$auth = "AccessID={$accessID};Timestamp={$time};Signature={$signature}";

$response = json_decode( file_get_contents( "{$uri}?screen_name=katyperry;{$auth}" ), true );

$social_authority = $response['_embedded'][0]['social_authority'];

echo $social_authority;

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