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How to Block Comment Spam in PHP

There are many ways to block spam comments in PHP, but this way is the most simple and effective I've found so far. It consists on using Javascript to create a cookie inside the visitor's PC. If the session won't start, there's a big chance the visitor isn't human, since most bots don't run Javascript and don't store cookies.


1. Insert this code in the header of your website:

<script text="javascript">

document.cookie =

"human=" + encodeURIComponent("yes") +

"; max-age=" + 60*60*24*30 +

"; path=/;" ;


2. When a visitor sends the comment, use this code to process it:

if ($_COOKIE['human'] == 'yes') {

// there is a cookie, and the comment is accepted

} else {

// there is no cookie, and the comment is rejected


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